Hannah's Enchantments nonalcoholic cocktail in a cooper mug, garnished with a lime wheel and mint sprig.

Hannah’s Enchantments

This recipe is inspired by my dear friend, Hannah – an all-around great human and owner of Hannah’s Enchantments. Her seasonal workbooks are the perfect gift for the young, young-at-heart, or anyone needing a little magic in their daily life.


  • 2 oz – Rum Alternative (we used Lyre’s White Cane Spirit)
  • 1.5 oz – Cranberry Simple Syrup
  • 2 dashes – Bitters
  • 4 oz – Ginger Beer
  • Lime wheel and mint sprig (for garnish)

Step 1:

In a copper mug, stir together rum alternative, simple syrup, and bitters.

Step 2:

Add ice and top with ginger beer. Garnish if desired.